Thursday, June 21, 2012

A new Decade unfolds...

another year has gone by! and the concept of time doesn't seem to mean so much to me anymore!
But yet it does because life in the last 3 years has really taken on a new meaning for me.
I realized that there's so much to see, to do and especially to learn... so that i can grow spiritually and realize more about myself.

Everyday to me has taken new meaning, like a new beginning...

I think so much so that i can really say that i stopped wasting my time, which is so precious on unimportant events and people.
I think the time really came when i OPENED my eyes and really saw the truth about some people around me and what they were about...
good riddance to them :D

it's sad to say that sometimes when you treat people that you always thought were important in your life with sincerity and love, things dont always turn out  in a positive light. Becausewe are fundamentally conditioned by these negative makeup;  blinded by greed, jealousy, envy, hatred etc. etc. that we often don't see our true Divine being in ourselves.

And then the Universe that is so kind to me always shows me, so that i can be safe away from them! it's wonderful how my Angels and Masters have been protecting and loving me so... i'm so grateful and thankful for that!

my birthday falls on the day of the summer solstice where the sun is the highest in the sky and where the light shines for the longest amount of hours, and with that i am starting to realize my special relationship with the Sun, the Source of all Life, ....

Like all my other birthdays, am never keen on birthday parties or big get togethers...
but it was really nice for once that my friend from miles away baked me a cake...

It was really nice to have a cuppa tea and chat with friends that are like-minded...

and to top it off... the home made Norwegian cake was FANTASTIC! and of 'coz the baker my friend baked it with all her positivity & LOVE! i felt so blessed!

The crust was really good and crunchy!

and it was nice to receive gifts from my Silly man...
I think some people might think it's a "Cheap" gift, but what truly matters is the intention behind the gift..
and these days, i really am starting to question the concept of the word "VALUE" and what is attached to it...
I think i have really grown up as a person, ... probably in the past, i would have an expectation of something extravagant like a glam handbag costing a few thousand dollars, but this time around, i just really didn't feel the need for all these things anymore.

It's a wonderful feeling, like some kind of liberation.

Then again, maybe a treat for myself once in a really long while might still be nice :D

Happy to say... at 30, i still feel like a kid....

and she's always going to be here to stay.. :P

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