Stepping into Bratislava brought a feeling of nostaglia to me. The energy of the city felt very old but yet it felt very much like a new born out of it's post communist rule. I felt that the people were more conservative and yet as a city they were quickly trying to modernize and be on the forefront of developing to keep up with its neighboring cities Prague and Budapest.
We did a city tour of Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. We entered the city through this modern looking bridge, the Novy Most which struck visitors for it's odd shape, somewhat like a UFO standing out in this old city.
Visiting the castle that is now modernised.
We were quite disappointed by the refurbishment and how they plastered the old castle.
something was lost in the building and it is a pity.
The view of the city...
Communist era bus...
What i liked about Bratislava were some of the old buidlings that stood within the inner city.
We did a city tour of Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. We entered the city through this modern looking bridge, the Novy Most which struck visitors for it's odd shape, somewhat like a UFO standing out in this old city.
Visiting the castle that is now modernised.
We were quite disappointed by the refurbishment and how they plastered the old castle.
something was lost in the building and it is a pity.
The view of the city...
Communist era bus...
What i liked about Bratislava were some of the old buidlings that stood within the inner city.
The St Martin Cathedral...
It was nice just strolling through the old town, immersing in the atmosphere of the centuries-old streets, squares and buildings.
What was interesting about the inner city were these little crowns on the pavements.
They actually show the coronation road of the king in the past. It would be interesting just to follow the trail and get lost within the streets closed to traffic.
All the little streets eventually lead to the main square...
Along the way, don't forget to try the schnitzel ...
and a local beer for lunch!
and maybe some gelato for dessert?
the journey through Eastern Europe continues...
with the next stop to Hungary!
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